盐水注射机擦拭干净以后,检查针头是否堵塞 |
添加时间:2019/6/22 13:38:37 浏览次数: |
1、先将调好的料汁,经过滤网,倒入料车中。然后将料车推入机身腹部接通水泵进水管。接通电源。 1. First, the prepared juice is filtered and put into the feeding truck. Then push the truck into the abdomen of the fuselage to connect the water pump intake pipe. Switch on the power supply. 2、再检查机器运转是否正常。正常运转是指:当输送带往前走时,针往下走。 2. Check again whether the machine is working properly. Normal operation means that when the conveyor belt goes forward, the needle goes down. 3、运转正常之后就可以注射。(注射前先开慢速启动,再开泵启动)查看水泵供液是否正常。 3. Injection can be done after normal operation. (Start slowly before injection, then start the pump) Check whether the pump is normal. 4、将肉放到输送带上摆列均匀。注意不要把肉放到链条两边的空隙中,以防塞住链轮,影响使用。 4. Put the meat on the conveyor belt and arrange it evenly. Be careful not to put meat in the gap between the two sides of the chain in order to prevent blocking the sprocket and affecting its use. 5、在注射过程中,一定要经常检查过滤网是否堵塞,如果堵塞就要先将过滤网清理干净,再继续使用。 5. In the process of injection, we must always check whether the filter is blocked or not. If blocked, we should clean the filter first, and then continue to use it. 6、注射过程中还要注意经常检查注射液,注射液不足时要及时添加。 6. In the process of injection, we should pay attention to check the injection frequently, and add it in time when the injection is insufficient. 7、本机的针的行程,输送带的行程,压力的大小,高速低速都可以调节,可以根据您的注射需要,随意调节。 7. The needle stroke, conveyor belt travel, pressure, high-speed and low-speed can be adjusted, according to your injection needs, adjust at will. 8、注射完毕,将余液倒出加入清水,开动机器进行清洗。清洗完毕,将机器外观搽拭干净,确保机器清洁干净。 8. After the injection, pour out the remaining liquid and add clean water, then start the machine for www.hanbaiyushidiao.cnwww.shaiban.net.cnwww.shidiaodaxiang.cnwww.xiaoxieqi.com.cnwww.banjiac z.cnwww.datongbanjia.cncleaning. After cleaning, wipe the appearance of the machine to ensure that it is clean and clean. 9、盐水注射机擦拭干净以后,检查针头是否堵塞,如有堵塞,卸下针头用细钢丝把针管里的杂物清理干净。以防影响注射效果。9. After cleaning the saline injection machine, check whether the needle is blocked or not. If there is blockage, remove the needle and clean the debris in the needle tube with fine wire. In order to prevent the effect of injection. |
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