自动送料机工作原理 |
添加时间:2023/5/25 15:37:12 浏览次数: |
自动送料机工作原理 Working principle of automatic feeder 冲床自动送料机 -锯床自动送料机采用西门子PLC和西门子触摸屏控制,采用进口伺服电机控制进给送料。 The automatic feeding machine of punch and sawing machine is controlled by Siemens PLC and Siemens touch screen, and the feeding is controlled by imported servo motor. 冲床自动送料机操作简单方便,精度高。操作时只要在触摸屏上设置好进给量,伺服系统自动按照提前设定好的数值确定每次的进给长度,操作者只需要观家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅 保定水处理设备 河北机械加工 保定养老院 保定防水看机器是否正常工作,而无需每次调整。 The automatic feeder of punch is easy to operate and has high precision. During operation, as long as the feed rate is set on the touch screen, the servo system will automatically determine the feed length of each time according to the preset value. The operator only needs to watch whether the machine is working normally without adjusting each time. PLC系统控制控制自动送料动作,自动夹紧动作和自动裁切动作。采用该机器可以大大减轻操作者的劳动强度,提供生产效率。 PLC system controls the automatic feeding action, automatic clamping action and automatic cutting action. The use of this machine can greatly reduce the labor intensity of operators and provide production efficienc |
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