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注塑机通常由注射系统、合模系统、液压传达动系统、电气控制系统、润滑系统、加热及冷却系统、安全监测系统等组成。 Injection molding machines are usually composed of injection system, module system, hydraulic transmission system, electrical control system, lubricating system, heating and cooling system, safety monitoring system, etc. 注塑系统 Injection system 注射系统的作用:注射系统是注塑机最主要的组成部分之一,一般有柱塞式、螺杆式、螺杆预塑柱塞注射式3种主要形式。目前应用最广泛的是螺杆式。其作用是,在注塑料机的一个循环中,能在规定的时间内将一定数量的塑料加热塑化后,在一定的压力和速度下,通过螺杆将熔融塑料注入模具型腔中。注射结束后,对注射到模腔中的熔料保持定型。 Injection system: injection system is one of the main components of injection molding machine. There are three main types of injection type of plunger type, screw type and screw preplasticizer. The most widely used is the screw type. Its action is, in a loop of the plastic injection machine, can within the prescribed period of time after a certain number of plastic heating plasticizing, under certain pressure and velocity, through the screw in the molten plastic injection mold cavity. After the injection is finished, the material injected into the cavity is kept in shape. 注射系统的组成:注射系统由塑化装置和动力传递装置组成。 Injection system: injection system consists of plasticizer and power transfer device. 螺杆式注塑机塑化装置主要由加料装置、料筒、螺杆、射咀部分组成。动力传递装置包括注射油缸、注射座移动油缸以及螺杆驱动装置(熔胶马达)。 The screw injection molding machine is mainly composed of feeding device, drum, screw and nozzle part. Power transfer devices include injection cylinder, injection seat moving oil cylinder and screw drive (glue motor). 合模系统 The clamping system 合模系统的作用:合模系统的作用是保证模具闭合、开启及顶出制品。同时,在模具闭合后,供给予模具足够的锁模力,以抵抗熔融塑料进入模腔产生的模腔压力,防止模具开缝,造成制品的不良现状。 The function of the joint mode system is to ensure the closure, opening and ejection of the die. At the same time, after the die is closed, the mould can be used to give the mould sufficient locking force to resist the cavity pressure generated by molten plastic into the cavity, preventing the mold opening and sewing, resulting in the bad status of the products. 合模系统的组成:合模系统主要由合模装置、调模机构、顶出机构、前后固定模板、移动模板、合模油缸和安全保护机构组成。 The composition of the module: the module system consists of the fitting module, the modulating mechanism, the top out mechanism, the front and rear fixed template, the moving template, the joint model oil cylinder and the safety protection mechanism. 液压系统 The hydraulic system 液压传动系统的作用是实现注塑机按工艺过程所要求的各种动作提供动力,并满足注塑机各部分所需压力、速度、温度等的要求。它主要由各自种液压元件和液压辅助元件所组成,其中油泵和电机是注塑机的动力来源。各种阀控制油液压力和流量,从而满足注射成型工艺各项要求 The function of hydraulic transmission system is to realize the power of the various movements required by the molding machine according to the process, and meet the requirements of pressure, speed and temperature of each part of the injection molding machine. It is mainly composed of various hydraulic components and hydraulic auxiliary components, in which the oil pump and motor are the power source of the injection molding machine. Various valves control oil pressure and flow to meet the requirements of injection molding process


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