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在注塑产品的成本构成中,电费占了相当的比例,依据注射机设备工艺的需求,注塑机油泵马达耗电占整个设备耗电量的比例高达50%-65%,因而极具节能潜力。由于不需要电能和液压能之间的转换,机器运转直接由电能驱动,且无任何溢流损失,因此全电动注射机在节能效果上具有先天的优势。另外,全电动注射机在实现全闭环控制方面也极具优势。日本的全电动注射机的年产量占总产量的50%以上,并70%以上外销国际市场,其中我国就是一个很大的用户。然而我们自己研制的全电动注射机,很难打开自己的市场,目前产业化比较难。主要原因是关键的配套件必须依赖进口,国产件质量尚不过关。这类机器需要4-6个伺服电机和相应的滚珠螺杆螺母,还有滚动直线道轨等,使机器价格出现成倍增长。另外它的控制程序需根据多点伺服的要求而专门设计,像日本法那可等公司都研发了自己的全电动注射机专门控制器,而我国基本上是由供应商,在普通机控制器的基础上作些改进而成,从控制质量和水平上还有差距。其实核心技术我们是不掌握的,因此我们的全电动注射机同发达国家的产品还有质的差别。全电动注射机是一个非常好的发展方向,但出于研发成本、市场认可度等综合因素的考虑,目前全电动注射机还没有成为国内企业的研发重点,很多企业宣传自己能够提供成系列的这种产品,其实一定程度上也是出于宣传企业技术形象的考虑。 1、全液压式注射机在成型精密、形状复杂的制品方面有许多独特优势,它从传统的单缸充液式、多缸充液式发展到现在的两板直压式,其中以两板型槽模具 一次性止血带 保定水处理设备 一次性止血带 保定空压机 北京真空泵直压式最具代表性,但其控制技术难度大,机械加工精度高,液压技术也难掌握。
In the injection molding product cost, electricity accounted for a considerable proportion, according to the demand of technology equipment of injection molding machine, injection molding machine oil pump motor power of the total device power consumption ratio of up to 50%-65%, which was of great potential of energy saving. Since the conversion between power and hydraulic energy is not necessary, the machine is operated directly by the electric energy and has no overflow loss. Therefore, the electric injection machine has a congenital advantage in the energy saving effect. In addition, the full electric injection machine also has great advantages in achieving full closed loop control. Japan's annual output of all electric injection machine accounts for more than 50% of the total output, and more than 70% of the export to the international market, of which China is a big user. However, our own development of all electric injection machine, it is difficult to open their own market, the current industrialization is difficult. The main reason is that the key supporting parts must rely on imports, and the quality of the domestically made parts is still not up to standard. This machine needs a 4-6 servo motor and the ball screw nut, and rolling straight track, the machine price doubled. In addition to its control program according to the requirements of multi point servo specially designed, like the Japanese law that other companies have developed the all electric injection machine dedicated controller on its own, but our country is basically by the supplier, based on ordinary machine controller to make some improvement to the quality and level of control from there the gap. In fact, we do not have the core technology, so our whole electric injection machine is different from the developed countries' products. All electric injection molding machine is a very good direction, but because of the costs of research and development, market acceptance and other comprehensive factors, at present all electric injection molding machine has not become domestic enterprises focus on R & D, many companies to promote themselves can provide this series of products, it is also a certain degree of publicity for enterprise image technology considering the. 1, the fully hydraulic injection molding machine has many unique advantages in product forming precision, complex shape, it is from the single cylinder liquid filling type, the traditional multi cylinder liquid filled to two development board now direct pressure, of which two direct pressure plate is the most representative, but its technical difficulty, mechanical the processing precision is high, the hydraulic technology is also difficult to maste


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