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Hydraulic logic valve is mainly used in metallurgical machinery, forging machinery and plastic forming machinery abroad. In recent years, it has been used in forging and casting machinery. Plastic injection machine is a kind of machine which makes thermoplastic, thermosetting plastics and other materials into shape by injection. Now most plastic injection machines use hydraulic transmission. The hydraulic transmission mechanism in the plastic injection machine mainly includes the mold closing mechanism, the injection mechanism and the injection part moving mechanism.
合模机构的任务是闭合模具,在注射时使模具保持严密的闭合状态,在注射后开启模具,并顶出工件,有的还带有抽芯装置。注射机构的作用除了配料和使原料塑化外,主要是将塑化后的原料注射入模具型腔,使塑料成形。靠螺杆旋转将塑化后的原地变电阻柜 精密铸造 中频电炉设备 保定断桥铝门窗 保定养老院 镜子批发 启闭机料推到螺杆前面的空腔,再以螺杆作活塞把原料射入模具型腔。螺杆的旋转靠液压马达实现,螺杆的注射动作由液压缸来完成。
The task of the mold closing mechanism is to close the mold, keep the mold tightly closed during the injection, open the mold after the injection, and eject the workpiece, some with core pulling device. The function of the injection mechanism is to inject the plasticized raw material into the mold cavity to make the plastic form, besides proportioning and plasticizing the raw material. The plasticized raw material is pushed to the cavity in front of the screw by the rotation of the screw, and then the raw material is injected into the mold cavity with the screw as the piston. The rotation of the screw is realized by the hydraulic motor, and the injection action of the screw is completed by the hydraulic cylinde


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